Advanced Fundamental Research on Hydrogen Storage Materials

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Materials science

Advanced Research on Hydrogen-Metal Interaction of Hydrogen Storage Materials



We have investigated the lattice structures, physical properties including the electronic and magnetic structures of the hydrides by using of quantum beam, such as the synchrotron radiation x-ray and neutron, and advanced measurement systems. We focus on the interaction between the hydrogen and (metal) atoms. The brilliant synchrotron radiation lights at SPring-8 allow us to investigate the structural and electronic properties accurately. We analyze the various chemical bonding states between the hydrogen-(metal) atoms in the hydrides through these advanced experimental techniques. Our investigations will provide the fundamental properties to develop the high-density hydrogen storage materials.

Main investigations

  • Structural properties of high density hydrides
  • High pressure synthesis of novel hydrides
  • Chemical reaction dynamics at surfaces on (de)hydrogenation process
  • Changes of electronic and magnetic structures by hydrogenation

> UP


X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, photoemission spectroscopy, XAFS, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Nuclear resonant scattering, NMR, resistivity, Raman scattering, etc.



> UP